Soul mate, wherefore art thou?
This was the beginning to a seemingly long thought process.   Is finding a soul mate a romantic fallacy, a quixotic belief such as ‘love at first sight’ or is it a truth that is meant to be, a jigsaw puzzle where that single piece with the perfect fit does exist.   Is it a destination or a journey? Is the connection based upon spirituality, emotional fulfillment, physical attraction, common goals, magnetism drawing opposites together, thinking alike or having been together for so long that life seems incomplete without each other?
Strolling down the meandering path of memories, I could not pinpoint one single person who has understood me at all times, with whom I have always felt complete, who accepts all of me, all the time- just the way I am, or who has the ability to perpetually bring out the best in me.   It was quite a dispiriting thought; having covered half or more of my lifetime and still no sign of the perfect jigsaw piece.  
I decided to plunge deeper into the thicket of thoughts and reminiscences.   I remembered the times when a friend was there to listen to me without being judgmental.   And the times my husband helped unravel difficult situations for me, his efforts to bring me happiness.   The emotional fulfillment my children bestow upon me, especially the times when I held them as tiny bundles, secure in my arms.   My confidence that my parents love me just the way I am.   My sister’s willingness to be a perfect friend and sister rolled into one, whenever I need her.   The thoughts I could share with my brother knowing that they would always be secure with him.   The spiritual connection I felt while sitting on the porch swing and eyeing the immense greenery in our yard.  
So yes, I have not found the “one” soul mate I may be destined for.   But then, perhaps this search is not a destination; it is a journey with several milestones on the way.   My soul mates complete different parts at different points in my life.   Yet, the nagging thought stayed forefront, “What about the times when the whole still has a hole?” What then? Am I destined to be incomplete, with holes?
Pensively I looked out the window at the butterflies and realized that the brown butterfly flying in synchrony with the yellow one was nothing, but its shadow.   It dawned upon me that the only way to fill all the holes and find my perpetual soul mate was to look into a mirror.   This search must end within my own self.   There are jigsaw pieces that will fit at various places in my life, but I must become the piece that will complete the puzzle.
Does that sound right, or is this just another case of “sour grapes”?